On some reactions to the Vatican statement on the “Blessing” of Homosexual Unions

The recent statement from the Vatican refusing to “bless” homosexual unions has caused much interesting and eye raising reactions. Some have said that it is the only possible stand the Church can take in the light of doctrine, tradition, Catholic scriptural interpretation and 2,000 years of experience. Much recent psychological data have reinforced the official Vatican stance.

Were the Church to follow the stance of other more recent denominations, disillusioned millions would leave the Church and leave her in a seriously weakened moral state dismissing Her as just another “Do it yourself” religion.

I have worked in depth for the last 28 years largely with males in the Courage apostolate who have struggled with the pain, anxiety and guilt often associated with the feelings and practice of same sex attraction. So I speak only of my experience with such suffering souls. I have ministered to hundreds. This is not anecdotal but a valuable statistical pool. I have been deeply impressed with the need to treat these suffering people with kindness hope and respect.

Indeed, the Church Herself, has been almost shouting that it is imperative, mandated, ordered that people with SSA (Same Sex Attraction) be treated sensitively as children of God, made to His Image and likeness. They are always welcome. No one is turned away who seeks the way of the Lord as taught by the Catholic Church. The confessional with its powerful gift of peace of soul is always open.

There are certainly standards and rules, set, we believe, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Church speaks authoritatively that She does not have the power, or ever will, to bless what She considers “illicit.” Homosexual behavior is considered illicit and a disorder, alien to God’s Will. It is disingenuous to scramble for thin and weak rationalizations. To pretend to bless the person not his behavior is lame… The Church constantly blesses a “sinner” not to confirm and accept his present lifestyle but to help him move out of whatever is illicit or sinful.

It is interesting to note that the Church rarely uses the term “sin” here but prefers the term “disorder” which is softer and kinder and inferring possibly not immoral but amoral behavior. The source of same sex behavior may be unconscious and traceable to factors somewhat beyond the control of the SSA person.

It is no secret that authentic Chastity (required for ALL without exception) is probably not possible without love.

In effect, the chaste person who follows that path has the precise insight that it is because he loves that he is chaste. Courage members in pursuing Chastity engage energetically in spiritual practices which require deep motivation to sustain. Only love is strong enough. And love is far deeper than the physical, as important as that is.

But why the long faces and the low affect all around me? Not long ago, these very ones were lauding Pope Francis as the Saviour come again and now I hear some leading Catholic voices call him a hypocrite? Is someone good only when he says what I want him to say?

The following Catholic theological principle applies to all of us regardless of our personal preferances. Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia. We seek consistency. But perhaps we seek sanity more.

What did these critics expect? The position of the Church is under the guidance of the Holy Spirit Who has clearly and officially spoken to us.

My great surprise is that so many good intelligent people were surprised. What did they expect? Even brilliant people sometimes miss the point. Sigmund Freud, one of the most creative and profound thinkers had his Centerpiece the method of psychoanalysis called “The Science of Missing the Obvious.” How come so many missed the Church’s hyperbolic, monocular and obvious outcome?



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Cry, My Beloved Country